Post by brkieffner on Feb 10, 2011 17:38:06 GMT -5
I just received a Vitamix blender that can basically blend anything...has anyone blended their own mouse?
How'd the ferret take to it? How'd YOU take to it?
Post by bluemoose on Feb 10, 2011 18:18:01 GMT -5
I blended a couple mice and rats for the first couple days after getting the kitten and newest ferret to make soup to switch them to whole prey. Just make sure you add water or it'll be really thick and hard to get out of the blender. Remy only needed to try the soup to decide he liked it and I just made it chunkier the next time and gave him whole prey after that. Tonks was a little more reluctant to switch but she was older when I got her and it still only took about three days of soup before she was on whole prey.
Are you blending it up to help her transition to whole prey or are you always planning to blend prey? Have you tried giving her a whole mouse or one cut in half to see how she does with it? My main aversions to blended or ground anything are the bones are no longer whole so you lose all tooth cleaning benefits and blended/ground meat goes bad MUCH faster. It has a lot more air exposure and starts to turn brown within a few hours. Whole prey is covered in fur so it stays good for quite a while.
Post by brkieffner on Feb 10, 2011 18:39:07 GMT -5
Well I want to give whole prey but my partner won't allow it. So blended is all I can do or not give mouse at all. If he found out I was giving blended mouse he'd get really ticked off. So I have to do it in secret...
Post by Sherry on Feb 10, 2011 22:58:55 GMT -5
You could always do what I did when hubby was 100% against whole prey. I gave it after he went to bed, and just covered the cage ;D They were mostly gone by morning anyway, and the bits that were left just got quickly cleaned out in the morning with the litter box, lol!