1) No flaming is allowed here for any reason at any time.
2) Keep it clean, this is a family oriented site.
3) Trolls and/or spammers will have their IP address immediately banned.
4) Businesses will not be named unless proof of abuse/negligence is forwarded to administration first. While we do not want ferrets(or other animals) in danger, neither do we want a legitimate business owner to receive massive volumes of hate mail, or worse, have their business adversely affected. Nor do we want ourselves open to lawsuits for libel or slander.
Breaking of these few rules(other than the 3rd one) have the following repercussions:
First offense: Post deleted, and a warning issued.
Second offense: 3 day suspension from forum
Third offense: Account deleted and IP address banned.
If, however, it can be proved, either by evidence, or by lack of response for needed information from a member, to have deliberately slandered a business, the member will be banned immediately.
The administration reserves the right to employ these measures as it sees fit.